The future of enterprise apps is code-free. The movement has already begun!

5 min read
Damien Terwagne
February 20, 2023
5 min read

If you’ve been paying attention to our LinkedIn feed, or have recently visited our website, you may have noticed a new section: DAZZM No-Code Platform.

Around three years ago, we realized that the technology required to reinvent our Octopus solution did not exist on the market. It’s why we decided to create our own platform!

As a result, we embarked on an ambitious research and development project to create a platform that would revolutionize the ITSM and ESM world by offering a new version of Octopus with infinite customization possibilities. Our specialists, partners and customers would hence be able to shape and mould the software to meet the specific needs of all users and operational teams (service, department or management) – more perfectly and easily.

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The alternative? A no-code development platform that turns Octopus into a codeless program, which can be reprogrammed by non-programmers, so as to empower everyone with unlimited customization capabilities.

No-code (or low-code) development platforms are currently making headlines. The first “No-code/Low-code” conference was held in Quebecin May 2021, where dozens of speakers, solution providers and attendees shared their initiatives, products, and vision of a no-code/low-code world.

In 2022, DAZZM will launch the first no-code platform designed in Quebec!

By the end of 2022, we will be releasing our new cloud platform designed to build both enterprise applications and ready-to-use software solutions, like Octopus.

However, in anticipation of what promises to be an important moment in time for us, we’ve decided to share with you – our clients and the community at large – our ongoing progress, insights and experiences as we forge ahead with the development of this no-code platform.

In fact, our Octopus MD healthcare solutions were created using our new platform with several clients successfully running these applications for over two years! Many others would like to understand how, in just 12 weeks, we were able to design and develop solutions such as “Octopus ALC” (alternate level of care) to fit so seamlessly into their internal processes.

In light of these recent successes, the positive feedback, and given the anticipated market opportunities, Octopus has launched a massive recruitment campaign. To develop and bring to market a no-code platform requires a great number of qualified and experienced resources.

Whether you’re one of the talented professionals we seek to recruit, or simply interested in learning more about our project, we invite you to visit our no-code platform page. And if you’re interested, we also encourage you to do your own research by searching the web, paying close attention to the subtle differences between no-code and low-code solutions.

We have a great many things to share on this topic; so be sure to follow us on social media. In the coming months, we will continue to share our ideas and knowledge regarding our revolutionary approach to software development. Do you have any questions or comments? Don’t hesitate to contact us, we would be delighted to hear from you!

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